Sunday, November 12, 2006


Wooohooo!! Praise the Lord! Yes, Kai can now officially suck from a straw. For 7 long months we have tried this. We knew before his palate surgery that he couldn't do it because of the air escaping through his nose. But his palate has been sealed for over a month now. I tried a couple of times in the past week, and to no avail. I had to pinch his nostrils and even then the concept wasn't there. He would get very frustrated and would want me to remove the lid from the cup so that he could sip. Well, tonight, I was sipping away on a coke from McDonald's, which he never drinks, and he came over. I tried a couple of times again with the straw, and he did it with me pinching his nostrils. Scott and I clapped and danced around with glee!! Kai looked at us in amazement as his parents behaved like he had just won the Nobel Peace Prize! He clapped when he realized why we were so happy. So, then it became a game, and this time....HE DID IT!! He finally realized that you had to suck in and not out through your nose. Needless to say, I let him drink almost an entire Coke!! So, 20 minutes before bed time he is pumped with caffeine, but that's ok, it's a reason for celebration!!! The boy is an 'Official Sucker'!!!!!!!!!

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