Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thoughts diverted....

It's been a pretty hectic week here and I've been gathering a few thoughts that I wanted to blog about, but just haven't found the time. Well, tonight, I came across this scripture and felt I had to make the time:

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." John 1:12-13

After I read it, I just sat back and "wow'd" in awe of our Savior. That scripture right there says it all. We are not born of each other, but BORN OF GOD. How powerful is that? I think this scripture pretty much will be my answer to those who ask about my "adopted" kids and my "real" kids. Now, I can't wait till I get asked about "my children". I will clearly recite John's words...they were all born of God, therefore ALL of them are my children, adopted or not, it makes no difference. I think the only thing I can really compare it to is the love I have for Scott. When we were married, we became ONE. We are obviously not blood related, yet I feel like he is such a part of me that I could not exist without him, as the same he feels for me. That is the love I have for ALL of my children....but, especially for the ones that came into our lives through God's grace of adoption. Once He formed them in my heart, they became mine...forever! My children, my blessings, my gifts from God! I am eternally grateful to our Lord for those gifts....both biological and adopted. And I am forever thankful that He made us His children. My signature on my email address states: "Yes, I am a Princess! I am the daughter of the King of Kings." How true that is!! Thank You, Jesus! Tomorrow I will blog about the more trivial things in life.

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