Sunday, October 15, 2006

All is quiet...

in the Anna Grace arena. I have our financial statement to finish and waiting for our fingerprint date, along with the completion of our homestudy...that's it! After that, we can submit our dossier for certification and then on to the Chinese consulate for authentication. Then it will sit at our agency's office until Feb. 16, the anniversary of the date our TA (travel approval) was signed for Kai. China's rules are that they will not accept our dossier prior to that anniversary. ::big sigh::

I am pretty anxious for this week to go by. There is a wonderful family that will be visiting Hefei this week and have promised to try and get us updated pictures and/or information on Anna Grace. I cannot wait to actually speak to someone who has REALLY seen her. I daydream all the time about what she will be like. Will she be a quiet little girl, or rambunctious like her brothers. Will she be a Mama's girl..or Daddy's little girl. Will she buddy-up with Kai or will there be constant sibling rivalry? So many thoughts cross my mind each day.

We have approximately 7-8 months before we can hold her. It kills me that we will have our paperwork all done and it can't go anywhere for nearly 3 months. I am hoping to be in China for Kai & Scott's birthday, May 27! For now, we continue to pray that she can somehow feel the love we have for her and that the Lord keep her protected and secure until we can bring her home.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You are really speeding through the paperchase. Is it easier the second time around? That really stink that you have to wait until Feb. before you can be DTC. Are you going to take the whole family to China this time?


Ohilda said...


I'd love to take the whole family, but unfortunately, finances don't allow us to. AJ will be too young to even know and Amanda has already gone. We are taking Kai. So, we will spend 3 days touring YiWu (Kai's birth city) and visiting his orphanage with him then we go off to Hefei to meet Anna Grace. My Mom REALLY wants to go so she is trying hard to muster up funds...we'll see!!