Monday, October 16, 2006

Kai butts into Anna Grace's territory!

I know this is Anna Grace's blog, BUT....I think the whole world has been praying for our little Kai's recovery from his palate surgery during the past 3 weeks. So, I thought I would also post here. I have gotten several emails asking about the results of the magic date, which was supposed to be today - TWENTY-ONE days from the date of surgery. And yes, today was supposed to be our cork-popping, champagne pouring, dancing in the streets day while we yelled from the rooftops that Kai has received the all clear and that his palate is fully intact. Well, unfortunately, the doctor had an emergency and Kai's last appointment has been postponed until Friday, the 20th! UGH!!!!!

To my naked, totally unprofessional eye, it looks good....but please don't go by me. If I can ask you all to please pray for another 4 days, it would be soooo greatly appreciated.

Otherwise, he is back to his old self. We went to the social security office today (I left AJ at home), and Kai was the "entertainment" for the two hour wait. This child's charisma and charm is just amazing. And I think I can say it proudly since it truly has NOTHING to do with me genetically. He had about 30 people singing his favorite Barney tune. You know, the one he had us do about 40 times prior to the surgery...."I love you, you love me. We're a happy family!...lalalala" Ok. I'll spare you. :) All this while he danced to the singing. I so wished I had a video camera. And if someone stopped singing or wasn't singing, he'd go (all 31" of him) and stand in front of them and dance while he "signed" the word for sing. His spirit is amazing, and the fact that his vocabulary is probably 3-4 words, yet can move mountains is even more amazing. God is so great! So, please stay tuned, I will be sure to post when we can truly "pop that cork!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Ohilda,

I am in tears reading about sweet Kai at the SS office. What a treasure he is. Praying for good news Friday.
