Saturday, October 28, 2006

Facing the Giants...and my thoughts and ramblings.

(Warning: This is quite long, so be prepared!)
OK! So, I haven't gotten over this movie yet. Scott and I took the night off from the boys and went to see it. As you guys know, this is my 2nd time, Scott's first. God is so darn good in His infinite glory. You see, Scott came home from his retreat filled with the Holy Spirit...just like I expected. By Tuesday, he was facing the true secular world. The world of impatience, rudeness, self-serving and fast-paced "I-need-it-now" world. To go back a bit, Scott was offered a promotion right after we came home with Kai. Not a whole lot of money more, but something that he knew he could handle. He felt God led him to this position. So, he took it. It turns out that this position was a newly created position....and one that, as all big corporations try and do, was a money-saving thought for the company. Tons of work & responsibilities tossed onto him, few employees to do them, and of course, always in a time crunch. Going back to this week...he was at his wits end. He shared with me how difficult it was to make things happen with only a few employees working for him, and how there was so much work, but the company was trying to save money so they were holding back on hiring more people, therefore he had to go out and do the labor work himself....many times late into the night when he wasn't being paid for it, etc. I could so hear in his voice the anxiety building up. Then he proceeded to tell me that this job was impossible for one man to handle. Well, oddly enough....and true to how our great God is, that afternoon when I had spoken to him on the phone I felt the urge to pray for him...and pray hard. I did a rosary for him and then I opened my bible. I figured I would read one of the books I've never I headed to Judges. Lo and behold....God again amazed me. Judges, Chapter 6....the story of Gideon! It showed me how 1 man, with an army of 300 had victory over the armies that were so numerous that were only described in the bible as "numerous as locusts. Nor could their camels be counted, for these were as many as the sands on the seashore." Yet, with God leading Gideon, they were defeated. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!!!!
That night at dinner, I read that scripture again with Scott. I reminded him over and over that whatever he did, he was to do with the intention of giving God the glory....that's why we're here on this earth. Our reason for existence. That morning and every morning since, Scott has awakened early in the morning before anyone wakes up to spend some time alone with the Lord. Tonight, we went to see the movie. In this movie, everything he has gone through in the past few months were affirmations to him about how he should proceed. For the rest of the week, when things have gone well, he has praised God...and when it seems all hell is breaking loose, he has praised God. We left the movie theater and Scott told me how much of a difference he has seen in himself and in his work since he starting "letting go and letting God" this week. Oh yea, the problems are still there, the workload is there, and the lack of people to do the work is still there, but now it's not Scott's's God's. And whatever the result, God will get the glory and the honor for it...and if things don't work out, we'll STILL praise Him! Another thing he left with from the movie is that he should start speaking His word more at work. We're not into the "politcally correct" stuff about mentioning God, etc. But, we're also not pushy about pushing Christ into people's faces.
We've made the decision that we will not be embarrassed or thinking twice about bringing God up in any part of our lives, work or play.
That brings me to something else I've been pondering lately. We all know how the internet could be a double-edged sword. It is an amazing tool where knowledge is power, but it could also wreak havoc in your life. As many of you know, my original Formed By Love website was created to follow our journey to Kai...a long almost 3 year journey. This website has become my own little oasis. I never intended it to be really followed by anyone, but after getting over 26,000 hits on my website, and almost a day that doesn't go by with someone emailing me and thanking me for being so blatantly honest about my feelings and my faith, I guess word had spread. That has been making me a bit nervous in the past few months since the boys have been home. I share a lot about my boys, my family, my children and just everyday things, as I am doing here. So, quite a few times, I thought I would password protect the site. But, I've been praying on it.... A LOT. I sometimes wonder if my friends think I'm too "preachy" or a "Holy-Roller". And here's what I have come up with. First of all...who cares what others think? Again...why are we here? Is it not to live this life to give God all the glory and honor for all that He does for us, and to show others his unconditional love? So, if I password protect it, am I not shutting out someone who may just be waiting to hear how God can change their lives? I give myself NO CREDIT for this. He keeps moving in our lives, and I just write about it. So, why would I only share it with the "safe" people I know, most of which know Christ already? My final decision is that the site will remain password free. Jesus will always be my sounding board so I will continue to use this tool he has provided me with to give Him all the glory and honor. I trust and stand firm in the belief that he will protect my family from the evils of the internet.
And lastly, (if you're not asleep), I HIGHLY (AGAIN!!!) recommend that you see this movie. It just fills you with so much hope when there is so much despair in this world. It allows you to take those heavy burdens that we carry and put them at the foot of the cross. And most of all, it opens your heart to be a disciple of God. To allow yourself to be the only Christ that someone may ever know. We serve a mighty God. I pray that each and every one of you reading this get to know him intimately and that you feel how much he truly loves you!
It's 1:30 a.m., and we have to be up at 6 am to head to Tampa to be fingerprinted. May God bless you all and may He fill your hearts with peace! Good night!

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