Monday, October 02, 2006

We're back on the rollercoaster!

Yes, indeed! We are one of those families that said "Oh, we're done!" with our last adoption. Yeah right! We have fallen madly in love with a beautiful waiting child we have named Anna Grace FengQin Bombardier. She is presently 17 months and waiting for us at Hefei SWI in Anhui, China. Our LOI (letter of intent) went off to our agency on Saturday, the 30th of September. It is taking approximately 6 weeks to receive PA (pre-approval) from China. So, we're hoping that by Thanksgiving, the Chinese government will have given their approval for us to bring her home. The paperchase has started again and we're hoping to travel by May 2007!

Due to the fact that she is not "officially" ours yet (although our hearts know otherwise) we cannot post pictures of her beautiful, little face. soon as that PA arrives, be prepared because the world will be staring at the most precious little girl in China.

Since our website has gotten to be quite voluminous, I have decided to give Anna Grace her own space and will be blogging instead. Hopefully this will work out. It also allows for readers to leave comments, which I love receiving and it doesn't fill up my email. :)

So, please, join us in our journey back to China as we bring home a little Mei Mei to Kai and the rest of the kids, and a Jie Jie to our precious AJ.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait til you get PA and we can see your daughter's sweet face!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!! I can't wait to see her little face,how exciting!!!!!!!!!!

LID Dec.19th