No, not our fingerprints....the government workers hired to handle the public. Oh my Lord!!!! Yesterday we got up at 6 am and were out the door by 7 so that we could make out 11 am appt. at the Tampa USCIS office. We get there in plenty of time, at about 9:30 a.m. We wait outside in what seems to be a very short line. The entrance doors are locked. I know from previously having been there (twice too many times) that they come out and call appts. We had Kai & AJ with us. Kai was in an umbrella stroller and AJ was in a hip carrier. We stood in the hot sun for a good 1.25 hours before they called us in. As we are walking in, we get this nasty look and the security guard (officer, as he called himself) says the stroller can't come in. Mind you...Kai was asleep in it! I said, "Do you mind if we keep it in this corner?" as I pointed to a corner right by the entrance of the HUGE room where no one was even walking by or had any seats around it. He rudely looked at me and said, "Strollers can't come in!" Pffffttt!! So, I take Kai out (who now becomes grumpy) and Scott heads off with the stroller in tow back to the car to put it in the trunk. We sit in our 'assigned seats' and quietly start playing/talking to the boys to keep their minds occupied. All of the people around us were cooing AJ and playing "gimme five" with Kai. We had now been there for over 2 hours. AJ was lovin' the attention and started his baby babble. All of a sudden this nasty looking woman comes out from behind a curtain and literally YELLS into the crowd, "If you can't keep your child quiet, you must leave!" It took everything I had for me not to jump up and say, "Stupid idiot...can you see he is playing, he's freaking bored from being here for 3 hours and he's only !@#$ SEVEN MONTHS OLD!!!!" Scott saw the look on my face and said, "Ohilda...let it go!! We're almost thru this and pissing them off would be like sending food back to a can guarantee he'll spit on it!" I then sat down and asked God to give me patience. I told Kai he had to stop his game and be quiet. I had people apologizing for playing with them, which was utterly ridiculous, and to top it off, I don't know how we got AJ to stop babbling....I think I quietly pulled out a bottle and fed him in hiding under my jacket since there were signs all over that said "No food or drink". That would have for sure expelled us from their humble abode. This is our third adoption in 3 years, and it seems like the worst people to deal with are goverment workers. You know, for the money they make, and the benefits they get, not to mention the fact they are public "servants", they suck!!!! Aaahh....there I said it! I feel better. I apologize to anyone in advance who may be a government worker and does not have that type of attitude, I have obviously not had dealings with you before. In the meantime, we survived. We left there shortly after 1 pm (3 1/2 hrs after arriving), praised our boys for being so darn good and thanked God for not letting me get arrested. :) Fingerprints are checked off on the list of things to do. We are now waiting on our marriage license, homestudy, and I-171H!
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