Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, we're getting close to the end of the paperchase. Today we had our 2nd homestudy visit. Our VERY LAID BACK social worker went through the same hum drum stuff we've done already four times, we chit-chatted a bit, and he was on his way. This guy has been to our house more times in the past year than I think my oldest son has! Heh! One more visit and he we will be all done with our homestudy. Wooohooo!!!

And, to add to our festive day in the adoption paperworld, I anxiously went to the mailbox to see if there was anything from Homeland Security/USCIS. Lo and behold! There it was! Our fingerprint appointment letter. We are scheduled to be in Tampa on Tuesday, yes...THIS Tuesday the 24th, at 8 am! I must say that the Tampa office ROCKS! I just sent in our I-600A less than a week ago, and we already have our appt. At this rate, we'll have all of our paperwork done and ready to go before Thanksgiving. Gosh, I know you guys have heard this before but it makes me so sad thinking that I could be DTC in early December, and we have to wait an additional 2 months just having the papers sit. If they allowed us to send in our dossier as soon as it was done, Anna Grace's Gotcha Day could be the same as Kai's special day. Spring in China was beautiful and we have learned so much from the last trip about not overpacking, that I think it will be a breeze this time. I think that if we weren't taking Kai, Scott and I might even be adventurous enough to go COO (carry-on-only) and buy whatever we needed in China.

I will keep you posted, but things are moving very smoothly. Thank you, Jesus!!!! Now if you get just get CCAA to say we could send our dossier in, I would be forever grateful. :) Ok, Lord...just kidding!! I am forever grateful and I will stop telling you how to do your job!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

All I can say is "wow".....I'm glad I 'stumbled' upon your blog ! I am looking forward to following your journey to Anna Grace ( btw- we're waiting on Ellie Grace !)
In it for His glory~ Kristy