Monday, March 12, 2007

Blessed Beyond Measure!

Two of my life's biggest blessings...
My Sister And My Mom!

I am not sure how many of you walked the journey with me while we waited for Kai (and AJ), but those of you that were close to me, knew that it was a very different journey then. I didn't speak much publicly about it, but my family was very alienated from me when it came to us adopting. This was caused for many reasons, mostly Satan at work. But again, God is so much more powerful.

My Mom always told me I was "too old for another child". That I wouldn't have the patience, and why did I want to get into that at my age, etc.
My sister was in her own "desert" at the time because of the loss of her beautiful baby boy, and Satan made sure that we, as close as we used to be, didn't share whatsover in all of the miracles that God performed during that 3 year wait for Kai. Most of my support came from the adoption community and very good friends that I made. I will be forever grateful to those of you of you that were there for me, and still are!

God, in His infinite wisdom, used a little child, named Kai, to transform hearts. Kai walked into our lives and God molded the hardened hearts that surrounded me when it came to adoption. Without knowing, Kai was used by God to lead my sister and my brother-in-law to adopting a daughter, whom I hope to meet in that not too far future. Today is their 6th month anniversary of being LID in the wait for Isabella.

My mother journeyed to China with us. At first, I believe only because she loved traveling. I am so thankful to God that He allowed her to share in the "birth" of our child, Kai. Her soul and mind was made different after meeting him, but the visit to the orphanage forever changed her feelings about adoption and these beautiful children. God's plan, as always, was perfect.

Like Thomas, she needed to see to believe, and he could not have placed her on a more poignant journey, then bringing Kai, her grandson, home from China. Her heart is so full of compassion for these children now and she has become a huge advocate for God's orphans. Her encouragement to bring home Anna Grace, when at first there were many unknowns about her special need, played an important role in us being reminded that God was in control and that we had to trust Him.

Neither my sister or my Mom were present with me at the hospital for AJ's birth, after my asking them both to be there. Yet, God also used him not only for them to see what a miracle adoption is and how seamless God creates families, but allowed them to be open to the other side of the coin, and understand the emotions that many times a birthmother goes through to place their child.

I have been so fortunate in knowing deep in my heart that all of the children conceived in my heart, including Anna Grace, were all loved by their birthmothers. Anna Grace & Kai were both abandoned somewhere they would be found immediately. AJ's birthmom shared tears of joy and sadness with me as she placed him in my arms. I am able to someday share the truth with all three of my precious treasures, the fact that they were indeed loved by their birthmothers. Loved to the point of having to place them for adoption so that they would have a better life. I know ultimately, before time even began, that God in His plan was creating them for us, for our family.

This post has gone in content totally from what I expected it to be. I originally wanted to post a quick thank you to my mom & my sister for all they do for me and the kids, but I couldn't possibly do that without giving God the glory and explaining why it is so important that I have these two amazing women in my life now. God's plan was all laid out. I walked the journey the first time around without family pretty much. One of my biggest fears when we were arriving at the end of the journey to bring them home, was the fear of rejection towards them from family. Yet, for God's glory, our entire family has taken them in and loved them unconditionally. This time the journey is so much sweeter. My Mom and my sister adore my boys, as I know they will Anna Grace. Their love for these two little guys is truly so genuine and heartfelt that it humbles me. Both Kai & AJ love their Ayi & their Po-Po and it makes me realize the importance of family.

I cannot emphasize enough to those of you that have siblings that you no longer speak to, or parents that have parted their ways from you, to be the bigger person. Sometimes what we want most is right in our grasp, and yet our pride doesn't allow us to reach out. Ask God for humbleness and humility and allow you the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, even if you weren't the one in the wrong, and to mend those broken fences.
If God forbid, something ever happened to Scott or I, I am so thankful to our Lord that he has provided me with such an amazing family that I know will always love and care for our babies. Yes, they have guardians, but family and extended family is what I am talking about. I am so thankful that they have siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins that are a part of their everyday life. That's what a forever family is all about. Regardless of whether they are good, bad or indifferent.....or how the family was created.

Now that I have rambled all over the place, I can go on to say that I am so very excited! My sister and my mom are doing something very special for us. Something I never got to experience with the boys. They are preparing an adoption shower for Anna Grace! And best of all, it will be celebrated on her 2nd birthday!!! As the day approaches, I have been filled with thoughts of how sad I will be on that day, but that has been turned around with the joy of knowing that we will indeed be celebrating her birth with family and friends. She may not be with us for this birthday, but I know for a fact that it will be the last one she will celebrate without her family.

The word "family" according to Mirriam-Webster's dictionary:

Main Entry: fam·i·ly
Pronunciation: 'fam-lE, 'fa-m&-
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -lies

1 : a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption

2 : a group of usually related individuals who live together under common household authority and esp. who have reciprocal duties to each other.

That last sentence, "who have reciprocal duties to each other" says it all.

Ily & Mom, I love you both so very much. I am blessed beyond measure having you both in my life! This "pregnancy" has been an amazing one with both of you holding my hand. You've made the journey so much sweeter! Thank you! ::MMMMWWAAHHHH::

Below is the beautiful invitation I got in the mail announcing the shower. The inside verse speaks what my heart yells out.


waiting4Isabella said...

Okay - Give me a second while I wipe my nose and tears down my face. I remember that 15mth walk in the dessert and I never ever want to be their again. God's plan and control is so much bigger and better than Satan and yes even though he tormented our hearts and soul for that time, God's unconditional mercy always prevails. You our beyond a blessing in my life and I am so so grateful that now our relationship is even stronger and better than before. May the Lord use us as an example to give him each day more and more glory and honor.

it humbles me to have such an amazing sister and I love you more than you'll ever know.

Peace, Ily

Anonymous said...

AHHHH!!! Ohilda you got me all teary eyed again..i wish you would stop it is wonderful that you have your mom and sisters support and most of all their Love.