Monday, March 05, 2007

In the meantime....

This is the SECOND time I post this message and upload pics. The first time, just a minute before I was ready to publish it, Mr. AJ decided he would push the power buttton on my laptop and I lost everything. Oh, how those little fingers drive me nuts sometimes!!!

What I wanted to say earlier was that I am still working on the loooong post of this past weekend. Yes, you have my permission to use it as a sleeping tool, but I really wanted to journal it. Aaahhh.....the advantages of it being MY blog. :=0

In the meantime, I have some cute pictures to share of 3 of the joys in my life, all wrapped up in the love that came with Kai's 100 Good Wishes Quilt.

Note: You will notice AJ crying in one of the pictures, that's cause I was trying to make him stay still since all he wanted to do was roll and roll! It was an impossible task! Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Lisa L said...

LOVE Amanda's shirt:)