Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Breathe in.....Breathe out!

Do you remember THIS fiasco? Well, I've been anxiously awaiting to hear from the US Passport Office to see if they were going to accept Kai's unsigned Certificate of Citizenship. Today, finally, I went to the mailbox and there was a letter from the infamous passport agency. I just knew that it wasn't his passport, because I had sent with the COC a pre-paid FedEx envelope for them to return everything in.

I opened the envelope and after beginning to read what they are requesting, I could feel my blood rising. When I went to the passport office here to apply for the passport, I had taken my folder (which weighs about 20 lbs) with every piece of paper pertaining to us and the adoption. I asked SEVERAL times what was needed, I was told SEVERAL TIMES...."Just your driver's license and the child's Certificate of Citizenship." WRONG!!! IDIOTS!!!!!!!

Today's letter stated that they could not process the passport because there was no evidence of relationship between the child and the person signing the application. Therefore, I now have to write them a letter and include and FedEx to them our original adoption papers with Kai's Chinese birth certificate. All this while hoping and praying that it all ends up together with the COC and nothing gets lost. I feel like Jack Bauer when something goes wrong..."DAMMIT!" More time wasted and more expense because it's now another $25. to FedEx the paperwork overnight.

Did anyone hear me say this time around I was going to savor each moment? BLAAAAHHH!

1 comment:

Lisa L said...

The very same thing happened when we went to get Allie's passport. I took every stinking document I had, was told they only needed such and such and not the rest and then got a letter several weeks later that they needed what the guy said they didn't need. WHY can't they get their acts together? Here's a big, fat *SIGH* just for you, my friend. It's gonna be okay:)

Lisa L