Sunday, January 28, 2007

God takes care of His orphans

Wow, is all I can say right now as I dry the tears in my eyes. I had taken the cutest short clip of Kai singing today and I was going to blog about it. But, God TOTALLY changed the path.

Right before I logged into Blogger to post Kai's video, I checked one of my yahoo groups which led me to another website...long story short, I ended up on a website I had never been to before, Focus on the Family. There, I came across an AMAZING story of how God takes care of his orphans and how if we are open to be used by him to do His work, He will be glorified. Miracles happen!

I openly ask the Lord to continue to use me for His will to be done. And once it is, to knock me back down to nothing so that He and He alone, receive all the glory.

I can't emphasize enough for you to please take the time to hear the audio of this journey of faith. It humbled me to hear it and makes me so very grateful to know the love of our Lord and Savior. Here's a small excerpt of their story:

"A six-week old, badly burned baby is left to die in a field. The villagers stand around staring, unwilling to burden themselves with the responsibility of helping him. Despite its heartbreaking beginning, this remarkable story has an ending that’s full of hope and inspiration. John and Lisa Bentley describe how their missionary trip to China culminated in the adoption of a baby boy. If not for their faithful response to God’s call upon their lives, little Levi would be dead today. "[The doctor] said to me, ‘Lisa, if this baby survives, it’s going to be your God that saves him.’" -- Lisa Bentley

You can hear the entire audio journey (2 segements of 1/2 hr. each) the Bentley family has taken, by clicking on this link:

Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to care for the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. - James 1:27

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ohilda for the links to that very moving story. God has a plan for all of us. Amazing!!!