Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I admit.....I'm obsessed!

Yes....I am confessing. I am obsessed. That is my reason for being MIA these past few days. Thank you to those of you that emailed me asking if everything was alright. Yes, all is fine. I've just been glued to the boob-tube whatever chance I can get.

On MLK's birthday, one of Scott's gifts was 2 box sets (the 1st & 2nd season) of the TV show "24". He wanted them to watch on the trip to China since we had heard it was a good tv show (we don't watch much tv). Neither one of us had seen the show. Well, I opened up the box and watched episode 1. That was it. Addiction at its best. I had a pretty busy weekend, which I will blog a little about later, but every free moment I had, including Sunday night till almost 3 am, I spent watching the first season. I don't know how many "24" fans there are out there, but wow! How did you wait an ENTIRE week between shows? I've been on the edge of my seat during the entire thing and to top it off, I've fallen madly in love with Keifer Sutherland, whom I never even liked. Julia Roberts is an idiot. heh. Handsome, intelligent, sensitive and can get out of ANY situation. Scott's been kidding around that he's gonna have to rush into the house carrying a gun and saying, "I'm Jack Bauer, federal agent! GET DOWN!" in order to get my attention. LOL!

Anyways, I thought I'd pop on here and explain why I haven't blogged in 4 days. I am completely done with season 1 and am on to season 2 now.


Anonymous said...

my name is tatianna,i live in switzerland and i am also obsessed...lol
and yes i have to wait a hole long week...

2China4Ayla said...

O. - BUSTED....I too am TOTALLY obsessed and have been a faithful 24 viewer since it first came out. I have always been a Keiffer fan and his presence in "24" makes me an even bigger fan.

Anonymous said...

Long-time lurker of your blog, but I HAD to break the "lurking" to share the mutual 24 addiction! I think they should have a warning at the beginning to alert individuals with heart problems or high blood pressure that watching this show could be hazardous to their health!!!
Best wishes with your adoption of Anna Mei!!!


Anonymous said...

My apologies - Anna Grace.