Thursday, January 04, 2007


Kai's message to his Mei-Mei

Aren't those words beautiful???

Wooohooo!! It's only been since Dec. 13 (23 days!!) that USCIS received our homestudy. But for the past week, I've anxiously been going out to the mailbox in the hopes that maybe...just maybe, our I171H would be there. For those who don't know what an "I171H" is, it is the final approval from the US Government (Immigration) allowing you to adopt a foreign child.

Today, after stalking the mailman again, I walked (ok...sort of ran) to the mailbox while saying a quick prayer for it to be there, and VOILA....there it was! The most sought after piece of paper for anyone who is in the midst of being paper pregnant! Our I171H has arrived!!!!!

Now I am scurrying to put everything together for it to be certified and authenticated and it's off to our agency so that we can be DTC on the anniversary of our TA being signed....February 16! I can't believe we're 1/2 way to holding our baby girl. Thank you, Lord!!!!!!!

Anna Grace, we're working hard to bring you home, sweetie!!! Just hang in there a little longer, baby!


Anonymous said...

Praise GOD ! YIIPPEEE !!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You have such a beautiful family. I cannot wait to see your Anna Grace home where she belongs. She is so gorgeous! Praying for a quick DTC, LID, and TA!

Thanks for the comment on my blog, your website is actually the website I was talking about where I had first heard "Anna" and loved it.

Again congrats, one step closer to Anna Grace!


Anonymous said...

May God BLess You and the kids:)))