Thursday, May 10, 2007

The 10 things I've learned....

since we started adopting 3.5 years ago.

  1. There is no such word as "soon" in the adoption world.
  2. Never expect anything and you will receive the unexpected.
  3. You have NO control over anything, so you might as well turn it over to God from day one.
  4. As much as I want to believe I have learned to be patient, it's just not me.
  5. The cost invoved with adoptions always go up and never down.
  6. No one except those actually going thru or having gone thru the process truly understands what you are ranting about.
  7. Simple two and three letter acronyms added to your signature line means the world to you.
  8. You are never prepared to go, regardless of how many months you have been packed, had the nursery ready and funds available.
  9. You can easily fall madly, head-over-heels-in-love with a child you have never physically seen, but have carried a crumpled picture of everywhere you go to show off how beautiful they are.
  10. Regardless of how much you labor, and the pains and trials you go would do it again in a heartbeat to hold that precious child that tonight you will kiss and tuck into bed.


Anonymous said...

As usual beautifully stated :)


Ruth said...

Couldn't have said it better!!


Anonymous said...

Amen Sister! :) Glad that the little one is doing well. How is your ankle? By the way, I met a very nice woman that you go to church with on Monday. I don't know her name but she mentioned a sweet couple from her church headingn back to china soon for a daughter -- I soon figured out it was YOU she was talking about. It's a small world. I told her to tell you that Kelly T. said hello!