Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No More Doubting Thomas!!

Yes, that is what I am promising again. A good friend mentioned previously to me that we will see God's reasons for His delays. When I was in the midst of the black hole, not only did I not want to hear it, but although I love our Lord with all my heart and soul, I feared that there was no "miracle" to come from this wait. I WAS WRONG!!!

This isn't something that I would normally share with the world, but it is something that I must share, because all the glory and honor HAS to be given to our Savior for His (once again) perfectly orchestrated plan.

About a month ago, Scott & I, set out to refinance our house. When all was going smooth, we hit a major snag, one that we feared would not allow us to continue with the refinancing. Then ontop of it, we were planning on leaving on the 6th of June to China, which would not allow us enough time to close on the loan before we left if we had indeed solved the issue.

Well, as we all know, TA never came. Therefore, pushing out our traveling date back at least a week to now leaving June 13. This morning, I got a call from the bank. The loan was approved. The snag was untangled. So, where is the miracle, you ask? Last night, we received an email from our agency that our TA is on its way and we should receive it this week, therefore, allowing us to leave on the 13th, with hopefully a CA (consulate appt.) of June 25. But that's not the miracle....the miracle is that because we are leaving later, we CAN now close on the loan before leaving AND we do not have to make mortgage payments for June OR July, therefore giving us the needed cash on hand for our travel money, which we were still trying to figure out!!!

God had to cause the snags with the financing, had to cause the delays with the TA and had to push back our date of leaving in order for our adoption finances to be solved. I did all that whining, crying and doubting while in the meantime, He was busy perfecting what I thought was a mess! It wasn't. It was His plan from the beginning, perfectly laid out. I prayed daily for help with the finances and He was answering.

So, we are feeling pretty good that we will get TA this week, that we will get a CA of June 25, that we will be leaving on June 13, that we will be holding our beautiful Anna Grace for the first time on Father's Day, and the icing on the cake, our funds are complete for the adoption. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!! I shamefully ask for you to forgive me for (once again) being that doubting Thomas and give you all the praise, glory and honor for this miracle.


The Princess's Mommy said...

Thank God for miracles!! I'm so glad He knows what he's doing because I would really make a mess of things. Here's praying for happy news tomorrow! Love, Monica

Mom 2 six said...

It all comes together !!
Yea !!

Anonymous said...

Its wonderful the way He works everything out. Great to hear that you have the money to travel.


Ruth said...

Ohilda! I cried when I read your post! He really is in control and I know when we are in the midst of it it is sooo hard to believe!!! I love the story and praise God with you for His perfect timing! Can't wait to see Anna Grace in your loving arms!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This is great news!!!!Can't wait until i see that adorable little angel in your arms.

Keisha said...

AMEN SISTER! WOW! Thank you for deciding to share that testimony. That's what it's all about...GOD, and for HIS GLORY!! He wants us to share & HE wants to Bless us!! Praise Him!
..still hopeful that TA's on its way...:0)

Anonymous said...

Oh this is just the best news ever! I'm so happy for you. When we truly see the perfection of the Lord's timing it is so INCREDIBLE! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear the official news of the TA!!!! Hugs to you my sweet friend! Kelly T.