Sunday, May 20, 2007

I am so blessed!

I am now, at almost 1 a.m., checking my email after a very long day filled with graduation fun and spending time with family. But, before going to bed, I just had to write back in response to all the comments and emails that I had waiting. I am honored and blessed to have such wonderful friends. The support I receive from all of you, even those whom I do not know, truly humbles me. Thank you!! Gosh, where do I start?

First,, you aren't the Broomfield reader. You're in Berthoud. And I know exactly what you mean about being jealous of me. I remember coming back with Kai and still wanting to go back to China, although I had agreed with Scott we were done. I think I may have written this before, but a friend once told me that adopting is like eating potato can't have just one! Oh my gosh, that has to be one of the most true statements I have ever been told. Unfortunately, our "last potato chip in the bag" is Anna Grace. But, I can say with all honesty that I enjoyed every bite of each chip I ate. :)

I also want to thank those of you that "de-lurked". WOW! How cool is that?!!!! And to my reader from Tracy, Califonia. We share the same LOA? Maybe we will end up with the same Consulate appointment in China! So, here's to TAs definitely coming in soon! Please keep me posted on yours.

Another de-lurker, Janelle! Thank you for coming forward. I know it's tough to delurk when you've been doing it a while. I still lurk many sites myself. :) It's so cool to read that many followers of Anna Grace's journey followed us through Kai and AJ's journey home. I, too, am glad that I haven't had to password protect my blog because I have made wonderful friends through the blog and I love journaling. Not to mention that it's important to me to make sure that others are reminded that all of our blessings come from God. Also, I am a huge advocate of waiting children and if someone can read about how resilient and loving these kids are, it might make the difference about whether or not they take that leap of faith. One child that can find their forever family because of something that might have moved their heart from my blog, is worth every nasty person or comment I may encounter. I wish your LOA come at record speed!

Shelly, thanks for taking the Wisconsin reader credit. :) Too funny! You are always so sweet and I love your blog and hearing about your beautiful family.

Dawn & Carissa, and Kelly.....your words of support mean so very much! Thank you. And Kelly, I just want you to know that I am insanely jealous that you went to go see Michael W. Smith. Please email me with details. He is without a doubt my absolute favorite Christian singer. I was so close to getting tickets until my sister reminded me that it was my nephew's graduation tonight. He's lucky I love him so much. I passed up Michael for him. :)

And a huge thank you to all of you that emailed me privately with your support. I have been graced by God that I don't harbor negative feelings and have learned to forgive. I know people are put in your path for certain reasons and I believe that this person was put in my path when I needed her to be, and possibly when she needed me. Does that mean that is doesn't hurt that my kids were put down? Of course it does, but I know why I love them so much and that's all that matters. As Amy mentioned, can a mother ever love their children too much? I don't think so! I don't blame any mother in the world for wanting to yell from the rooftops how incredibly amazing their children are. I think every child brings something special to this world, and I never tire of hearing my friends tell me how wonderful their kids are. That's because....they really are!

Heading to bed filled with a truly humbled heart and again, blessed beyond measure at the love and support that surrounds me. It's readers and friends like you that make me love blogging! I will definitely have to "wave hello" more often.


Anonymous said...

Ohilda, I am so thankful for you and your sweet heart. Two of my five are sick this morning, so I'm home from church with them. You have no idea how much inspiration I have received from your postings over the past several months. Thanks for sharing and thanks for allowing us to follow along on your amazing journey. HUGS! P.S. Michael W. Smith was wonderful! Wish you could have been there, but as you well know, family comes first! :)

Kelly T.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ohilda,

You are always so sweet and supportive of all of us out here. You have been a great friend and I am so happy and honored to be following this journey to your sweet girl. I said another special prayer for you guys today about TA. I know it's coming this week. I know you won't forget, but scream when you get it. We are all ready to rejoice with you!!!!

Much love,
