Thursday, May 03, 2007

No, this is not one of the boys saying's me!!

My Mom and sister have been
HERE all week, and while I'm insanely jealous of them (in a good way!) and am thrilled that they are basking in the sun, hanging out with the bands, and worshipping our Lord amidst the beauty of the mountains and the sea.....I MISS THEM!!!

A couple of times this week I've picked up the phone to call my Mom and tell her something, then I remember she's on the cruise. They did call when they got to Ocho Rios yesterday, but I think it's because they wanted to speak to Kai. ::wink::
So, Mom and Ily....yeah, yeah....I'm glad you're having a great time, but hurry home!

1 comment:

waiting4Isabella said...

Awwww, Thanks for your comments. Mom and I missed you too, along with the boys, amanda, adam and yes even Scott. We talked about how next year, everyone has to come. We have a whole year to financially plan for it. We had a wonderful time and I will be blogging about it on Isabella's website.